Consists of Otis's photographs and compiled histories of about 5,000 Wisconsin churches and a few synagogues, acquired over a twenty-year period. The photographs, kept in twenty albums, usually consist of a single 3"x 3" color exterior image of the building. The photographs are indexed by "history" cards, arranged by locality. The collection includes four boxes of negatives, in no apparent order; and seventy-two maps showing the routes Otis travelled and the location of many of the churches he photographed. Otis compiled the history of the churches through a standard form which requested the year the church was founded, the first pastor, and denomination or sect. A number of the respondents provided additional historical information. The forms are maintained in files, arranged by locality and/or county, which also contain published histories of the churches, and newsclippings. The collection includes Otis' correspondence (1968-79) concerning the acquisition of materials; the development of the project; miscellaneous faith and denomination histories; newsclippings; solicitation of funds; and efforts to donate the collection. The collection also includes a videotape of news reports and a TV Workshop featuring John Otis.